Black Moustache The Written Chapters: The Most Challenging Week

Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Most Challenging Week

Yep,although my semester has just started and it's still early in 2011,I already have one of the most challenging week ever.:Aigoo!:(It seemed like this is a week of tests or something like that.I have 4 tests from Monday to Thursday.And it's frustrating to have tests at the beginning of the semester.While my friends are still enjoying the start of semester(before we have to put our head for a series of assignments and ermm,tests) I have to push that all away and prepare for my tests.
And it's even worse when my lecturer for Ethnic Relationships course decided that she didn't want to be one of those typical lecturer who put on slides or PowerPoint presentation and talk away while the students at the back busy doing something else.So,instead of just being a simple lecturer she wanted to give us a test in every class and said that we can all study the course by heart if we just read the subjected reference book thoroughly.I and my friends were dumbfounded at first,but it seemed she's serious.Not only she's giving us a test every week,she also provided us with homework or mini-assignment.I hate it very much.It just mean that I have to used up my time to study her course a little more than the rest of the courses I'm taking.And it's just a university course,it's not even my core courses!
So I have Life Processes test on Monday,Ethnic Relationships on Tuesday,Biology Organism on Wednesday and English on Thursday.I've been overloading my brain with so many information these few days that I feel my head is so heavy right now.:face37:
Besides the tests,I have also started working on the assignments assigned to us.But it seemed that there's nothing much can be done until we come back from the coming holiday.It's Chinese New Year soon and we're given a week holidays.blogger-emoticon.blogspot.comAll I want to do during this holiday is having fun and staying away from those scary notes and heavy references book.But no,the lecturers have to remind us that there will be a test for each subjects we are taking as soon as we come back from the holidays.And I'm taking 8 subjects altogether.I just feel like dying.And it's not helping knowing that this semester is shorter that the last semester.I'm not doing good in the last semester although I only took 6 subjects(5 papers during exam since one of the course is practical).
My country is changing the system so that,instead of having the usual 2 months break between semesters,we'll have a long break of 4 months after one study year which consist of 2 semesters.I don't know if it'll better with the long break but no break between semesters in the same year or it'll make our lives harder.I just have to apply the mood of wait and see I guess.
I really hope I'm going to be okay for this


  1. That sounds tough - a lot of work. My program is relatively easy which isn't too bad, but I do remember when I tried university for a year - it was torture. I guess sometimes you get unlucky and have all the hard classes at once. - :( best of luck to you

  2. Thanks for your comment...yep...I hope luck is with me...=)


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