Black Moustache The Written Chapters

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

                                    I AM AN EXAM-ORIENTED STUDENT
     What a statement.But believe it or not,that's an understatement to describe what kind of student I am.I'm certainly not one of those studious student(on contrast,I can be classified as those lazy student..I honestly didn't take my studies seriously until it's a week  away from examination.I enter my classes late,if I'm lucky,I'll be a few seconds earlier than my lecturers and when I'm not I'm about 5-10 minutes later than the lecturer.I'm not proud of it,but having done that since my secondary school,(I'm a good student during my primary school,yeah,I wonder too where the hell the good and obedient me when I entered secondary school?) it's hard now to change my bad habit.I do focus in classes,I do take notes to the lecture and all,but that's like 1 out of five classes,when I'm in a good mood and full with enthusiasm.The rest of the time,I looked at my lecturer face once in a while,jot down probably just the topic and subtopic but spent the entire class to message with my best friends or just scribble anything on the paper that's supposed to be filled with all the important points of the lecture.
     When I was in matriculation college,my habit became worse.I don't like the lectures at all,I don't think I can focus inside the class and I can't even stand to sit for the whole hours in the lecture hall.Thinking that I couldn't learn anything if I continued to stay in the lectures,I decided to skip the lectures.I skipped almost 70% of the lectures and only came for the tutorials since well,the tutorial class is so small that the tutor knew everyone in there and somehow during that particular time,all the tutors kinda noticed me a lot that others.The tutors often turned to me first to answer their questions before they asked others in the class.It's probably because my name is a lot more easier to remember than other students' name which are so unique and rare.Mine is just so common.I prefer others to call me using just a part of my name so that they'll remember it easily.It's Linda.^.^
    Back to the topic,so that's is me.A lazy student.And when the exam is around the corner that's when I will really start studying.I'll frantically search for reference books and notes.That's when I really tried to understand all the topics I've should learn months ago.I know,a lot of people say studying at the very last minutes won't help you in the examination.My teachers and lectures especially talk about this a lot.But that's how I've survived all these years.That's how I get to where I am here.So I think it's working.At least for me.
     I've never been the best in my school or college,but I'm among the best.So I think I did well by studying at the last minute.But when I entered university,the final results don't depend merely on examinations.There are other things as well.The project,assignments,tests and presentation.With all these,I found myself constantly struggling for certain subjects,which is good for a lazy student like me.But I've also realized,university examination is nothing like the one in school.It's far more difficult than that.And that's when I realized,studying at the last minute isn't going to help me go far in pursuing my degree.It takes a lot more than that.It takes a lot of hard works.So from now on,I have to change my study habits.
     I hope after I posted this,I'll change my habits right away.I'll be a better student and make myself deserved to get a good result.My last semester result?I'm not the best and although I'm considered as among the best,I'm definitely at a lower level in the circle.So to me,please change your study style!

1 comment:

  1. That is kind of interesting. I'm the opposite. I am terrible at exams although I'm usually getting high 90s - 100 before the exam! Then my mark plummets :(. I just don't remember the little facts and theory. I'm a practical, hands on person. So if the exam is theory based, I fail. Good luck on changing your study habits! I think if you concentrate on doing some of the projects (and perhaps start a little early), then you'll be able to be a better student!


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