Black Moustache The Written Chapters: A Brave Heart from Australia

Friday, January 14, 2011

A Brave Heart from Australia

Who is this boy?Why am I doing a post about him?The very face you're seeing right now,is the face of a 13-years old boy who had give up his life in order to save the life of his younger brother,Blake,10-years old during a flood in Australia.He is just a normal boy coming from Toowoomba,Australia and live with his parent and younger brother.But what he did at the end of his life has made him to stand out from other 13-years old kid.Jordan,his mother and his younger brother went out to buy his school uniform when their car is engulfed by the water while they were inside the car.Having no other option,they had to go to the roof and although there were other people there,nobody tried to help them.Her mother called the rescuer.When the rescuer came,her mother had asked him to take Jordan first since he is petrified with water and couldn't swim.
"Save my brother first",that's what Jordan had said to the rescuer and with that,the rescuer had take Blake to the safety first.And when his turn came,both Jordan and his mother had been swept away by the floods leaving Blake the only one to survive.
When I read about this yesterday in Tumblr,I felt like crying and I tried to imagine what it was like for Jordan to give up his own life for his younger brother.For someone who was petrified of water and couldn't swim,he must be wanting to get on the land as soon as possible.But,when the rescuer had reach his hand for him,he in contrast had asked him to save his younger brother first.It's a brave and angelic act that we couldn't see very often.What's more it's a young teenager!His act shows his maturity as a man and not as a boy!I almost cried when I read along and trust me I'm not someone who cried easily.Imagine if it is us in the situation.Will we give up our entire life at such a young age for our siblings?To be honest,when I was his age,I don't like my own little brother and we fought whenever we see each other.And when he got in trouble,instead of helping him out of it,I laughed and smiled,feeling happy to myself.As I talk about this and compare myself with Jordan,I feel ashamed.I'm not a good sister and I'm probably a bad one.Jordan has made me think about my own acts towards my younger brother.I hope from now on,I'll treat my brother better,the way he is supposed to be treated and just like the way he's treated me with respect and love.T_T

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