Black Moustache The Written Chapters: Appreciate Ourselves

Friday, January 7, 2011

Appreciate Ourselves

I found this image on Tumblr website...and I feel like I should share it know I found some truth in the words..really,we always get so jealous with other people fine feature..i think that's one of the reason why we adore the celebrities so much..because well,they are much gorgeous than us...(although the fact is they hide behind all those thick make up and plastic surgery).But we always forget that God has created everyone of us with unique characteristics and all.It's about time we hold a confidence of ourselves,appreciate the way we were born with and don't change anything about the way we look,cuz,that's like we are not appreciating what God has give to us.Imagine if someone give you a gift and then you don't like it so you changed it all over,what that person will feel about what you've done to his gift?Right?So appreciate what you have and stop thinking that the grass is greener on the other side.It might be greener but it's just as hard to cut it.Have a nice day everyone.^.^


  1. Thank you so much for this post, I really needed to see that image tonight <3

  2. Welcome...I hope it's all going well for you...^.^


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