However,when I heard this sentence,I can't help but feel so disturb about it.I've never been disturbed by any line used in movies or dramas before.Oh well,I'm growing up now(I know I'm 20,it's kinda too late to say that,but I think compared to before I've become more matured and more sensitive,well,let's keep this for another time,the point is,I've become more sensitive).I personally don't quite agree with what the girl saying.It's a free opinion right?I just don't agree with it.If you're afraid,then why do you want to fall in love.This line simply seems wrong to me.Not quite correct to me.I mean,yes,some people are afraid to fall in love(I might just be one of them) but why do you want to fall in love?I don't think we can really choose whether we want to fall in love at certain time or not.It doesn't make sense.I don't think we can choose when we want to fall in love or who we want to fall in love too.Of course we can put certain category ad requirement for us to fall in love,but that's just our planning,we can't really make it that way.
You can say that you want to fall in love with one of those charming guy and it'll be sweeter if you guys meet by accident or while you're on vacation at a foreign country,the kind of plot we always see in the movies,but will it really happen that way?No.And we put certain category like we want to fall in love with a tall,smart,cute and funny guy,who can make us laugh and don't easily get jealous and all.But there are times when we fall for someone who is too much old for us,having bad temper and actually one of those green-eyed monster.But we stick to them though we curse each other more than we actually hug and kiss.I see these kind of things happen to people around me.I never understand it.I'll sometime say "How come you like someone who won't even let you go out with your girl friends?He often accused you of doing terrible things.And all you guys do is quarreling.Why don't you just break up with him?" And my friend will say she still loves him although he always make her cry and all.I feel it's ridiculous.But I tried to understand them and I finally get the concept that we can't choose love.Unless we can make our hearts to listen to our brains.But hearts never think or hear,all it does is feel.Unlike our brains,through fact,analysis and reasoning we can actually change our view towards something.That's why our mind keep changing everyday.But our hearts don't work that way.
But all these don't happen in reality.We fall for the wrong guys from time to time and we hurt those who truly love us.Sometime we meet the right guys in the wrong time that at the start there's no special feeling blossom but soon when there's so much experiences we share together we started to like him although we've never thought of falling for him earlier.Sometime we shared too much memories with someone that we take them for granted and at the same time looking for love from outside and only realize there's love between us only after they left us.We wanted to fall in love when we are at our best,when we are at the top of the society so that we can cherish the love more and be the happiest girl in the world.But it doesn't work this way either.There are times when we find love when we are at the worst state ever and we feel terrible for ourselves that we think we don't deserve love at that time.So even when there's love we tend to shut it away which not only result in the other party getting hurt by us but also we hurt ourselves.
So for me,we can't choose love.We can't choose whom we want to fall in love with or how we want to fall in love with them or when should we fall in love.When it happen,it happens.We may pretend that we are not in love,we may pretend to love someone,we may pretend we're happy with them,we may pretend whatever we want because some of us are so good in pretending and lying to others.But that doesn't change how our heart really feel.So nurture your heart well so that it won't make mistake.But then again,I think in love there's no such thing as mistake.It's only lesson and experiences so that when we meet the right one we'll appreciate them more.It's not a crime to love someone who don't love you back,it's not a cruel thing to tell someone you don't feel the same way about them,it's not a sin to hurt someone you love unintentionally.Even in the most wonderful relationship with the exact person you should be,there are times when you're having doubt,when you hate him and you feel less love between you guys.Love is like that.It's not perfect.And when you fall in love and in relationship,it's not about the two of you trying to make it perfect and to compliment each other,but it's about accepting the imperfections as the joy of your life.
What about you?I'm sure you have a different opinion from me.You're welcome to share it.^_^
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