Due to these quirky appearance of him,it's hard for everyone else to believe that he's the super detective with a respectable reputation in the world.However,L is proved to be such a genius in this movie and he has a great powers of deduction and insight beside being highly analytical.At early investigation,L had started to suspect Light as the Kira,but since he couldn't get any concrete evidence,he'd to keep the suspicions to himself and waited for the time to act.When the situation gets trickier,L has become more confidence with his early theory that Light is the Kira and even get the feeling that he'll be killed with Death Note at some time in the future.However he still wanted to solve the case which leads him to sacrifice his own life by writing his own death in the Death Note.During this time,Watari is killed and L was so sad about it.Watari is the only person he can trust and they were so close since they had been together for so long.After the death of Light,Ryuk offers the Death Note to him which L refused to take.
I think L is such a strong characters in the live action movie.Just like Light,he also value justice highly and and will not tolerate to those who abuse the law.However,he didn't think that murdering other people by mean of justice is right.He didn't become greedy with power although Ryuk offered him the Death Note since he saw right in front of his eyes how the book has destroyed Light's life.In the first two live-action movie which focus on the Death Note,we barely see the human side of him,he's in fact shown like a dead guy who doesn't have feeling at all.But in L:Change the World,we get to see his interaction with kids and a new assistant the FBI had sent to him.He didn't really know how to treat kids but he nonetheless,we still see the nice side of him as a kind-hearted person.
L is one of my favorite characters not only in this movie but also when it's compared to other characters in different movies and manga.I like his character so much until there is one time when I watch the movie again and again and finally I'm influenced by L's way of walking and holding things.It was so crazy and my mother asked me to stop copying his style.When I talk to her about how much I love this character,she could only shook her head and asked me,"How come you like such a weird character?He's not even good-looking." And I replied,"how come I don't like such a unique character?He has a personality,genius and he's definitely cute to me!"
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