Black Moustache The Written Chapters: Embracing Your Mistakes

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Embracing Your Mistakes

I'm actually writing this for the National Mistake Day which is on October 1st, but mind me, I totally forgot about it yesterday. Well, I make mistakes and that's what you're going to deal with in this post. My life is not mistake-free and I think everyone realizes that mistake is part of our lives, just like the saying goes, 'to err is human' (did I even get the saying right? Well, my mistake correct me if I'm wrong).

We all do lots of mistake and it happens all the time. Some people deny it, some people choose to overlook it and some just couldn't accept it that they often end up regretting and getting frustrated with themselves. When I was younger, I used to think someone who makes mistake is a failure, it's just bad and embarrassing. I was so scared of doing mistake to the point that if I don't have confidence in doing something I'll just let it pass by instead of trying it at all. I don't want to make mistake especially in front of others because I thought it'll look bad on me. But as I grew up and I met various kind of people who didn't share the same thoughts with me and have different experiences it made me realize, mistake is not bad at all. Thanks to a few friends of mine who wasn't scared of doing mistake like me, and who dragged me along with them to make the mistake together.

If you're afraid of doing mistake, you're going to miss so many interesting moment in your life, just like me when I was little. For instance, English is not my first language, but here I am writing for everyone to see in this foreign language. And I know there are a lot of grammatical error in each of my post, but at least I'm writing it and sharing my thoughts with others and this way, I'll improve my English too. Some people may laugh at the mistake I make, others might feel frustrated and wanted to yell at me something like 'can you mind your tense please?!!', but I don't care anymore about what others are thinking, I'm enjoying writing this blog. 

What I'm trying to say is, if you just let go of that feeling of afraid of making mistake, you'll definitely enjoy more in your life. Anyway the only people who didn't make mistake is those who are sleeping and those who never try anything new in their lives. Don't be afraid of making mistake, so you'll achieve more in your life. And to people who laugh while I'm embarrassing myself in front of them while trying something new, at least I have tried it, and you? Have you ever did it?

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