Black Moustache The Written Chapters: Thank you

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Thank you

Not quite sure how to go about this since it's rather personal for me. I'm such a private person that it's hard for me to open up no matter how long I might have known someone. Something that others might deem as not a big deal or not personal in anyway can be the same thing that I'll consider and reconsider before I decide to share with someone. And this is one of it.

It's not a special occasion or anything but when people said they're thinking of you and decided to buy something for you, even a simple stuff like this can be special in its own way. And it's not so much about what they're buying for me, but more of their repeated similar gestures that got me every time. While I'm writing this, I keep on deleting it thinking that it's too personal for me to write this down, but I think, for some people, for people who seems to effortlessly climbing the walls that you're building each time, they're worth it.

If ever one day I'm brave enough to wear my heart on my sleeve, I hope that they'll be one of the first people that I'll show my heart to.

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